Easy yet profound opportunities to establish a relaxed way of being at your lunch break, before + after work or whenever you have time in your daily life. Simplify your practice, release your day + get grounded with the perfect dose of stress free consciousness. 

Classes will rotate through the below options in order to provide you with a balanced meditative experience. All Meditation options are available to you in individual private sessions or semi private group classes (maximum 5)

Individual Private Sessions / $95 / 75 minutes

Breath Bliss

Infuse your body with a new source of empowering prana (life energy) as you slow down your mind, release trapped energy along with other stressors + soothe emotions. Leave relaxed + enlivened. Just Breathe.


Mantra Bath

Purify your mind. Experience how bathing in the repetition of a singular word or short phrase balances your mood, releases preoccupations + increases clarity. Leave calm + clear.

Grounding Body Awareness

Unlike your mind your body is always present. Let your body train your mind how to be based in the current moment while you release habitual physical tensions to relax your mind. Leave aware + grounded.


Yoga Nidra

Restore your mind-body as you tap into one of the deepest possible states of peace + relaxation, fondly referred to as yogic sleep. By reducing anxiety + tension Yoga Nidra restores you to homeostasis; a stable + balanced state where you can welcome whatever is present without getting caught up in it.

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